Friday, 12 July 2013

My treatment begins - Invisalign tray no.1 of 14

So I received my 1st set of aligners, and am currently in my 2nd week with them. I am very happy that my treatment has started and my teeth movements are slowly but surely taking place!

So to give you my honest opinion so far - I found the 1st few days were quite hard to be honest..just trying to get use to the feel of the aligners in my mouth and adjusting to how I spoke with them in. I had a lisp for the first 6-7 days and was worried it wouldn't go and I had to use a tea towel to grip the aligners when removing them for the 1st few days which was a little uncomfortable. I felt like I was going to pull a tooth out with the aligner! The aligners now( after a week), slide on and off really easily without the need for a mirror or any pressure at all. My lisp has finally gone and I honestly forget they are in there now! I am Sooo pleased as the hardest part was the 1st week, but I persevered and now the treatment is so much easier and I feel relieved that I can now get on with treatment alot more confidently.

I was really surprised that many people, friends and family did not notice them at all, or that I had them in until I pointed out that they were in! Even when I did, they assumed the brace was the one you must have behind the teeth as they are that discreet. Even the tiny attachments do not bother me in the slightest and are the exact colour match to my teeth so you would need to really stare hard and closely to see them but actually look alot less visible than I anticipated.

So I change to the 2nd tray in a few days! I will be on holiday as will my dentist so I have my 2nd tray with me ready to go! I am assuming each time I change up, the tightness and difficultly getting them off may be the case for the 1st few days but that is to be expected and I am now confident enough to know the best way and ease of doing it (tea-towel!) I am assuming the lisp wont be a issue again as i am now totally used to having the aligner there - but will be sure to update very soon...

Bye for now x